

To publish a new website is, to me, to move into a new home. You move the big things first, your focal points. Then, over time, you allow your belongings, old and new, to filter in around them. Your home isn’t “complete” the day you move in. It’s not complete a month later. In fact, I don’t know that a home ever reaches completion because we never do; we’re constantly adding and removing and shifting and re-focusing and ebbing and flowing. And it’s wired within our very core to bring our homes, our nests, and today, our websites, along for that journey, as well.

Thank you for taking interest in this online home in particular today. It’s new to me and young and full of potential, and knowing that I get to settle in, unpack, add, and remove fills me with excitement, comfort, and a stronger sense of creative roominess.

Take a look around. What fits? What doesn’t quite fit? The page I’m perhaps most excited to grow is the library. I chose to launch with only a few books per category, and I chose these books based on how profoundly they changed or challenged me. Start With Why, for example, not only guided me as Sales & Marketing Director at Elizabeth Suzann, but its content is also woven into all that I pursue. Why launch a new website? Why do it? Why train for a race? Why run at all? White Fragility is the most important book I read this past year as a white woman. It encouraged me to take a long, hard look in the mirror and seriously confront my own racial biases and the behavior that resulted and still results from those biases. Big Magic, well, this one downright changed the very way I experience new ideas and creative sparks. My hope is that this page serves as both a resource and a reminder to think about the people, books, places, and things that change and shape us. And finally, I hope it serves as a small reminder to ask ourselves, “How are we changing and challenging others? Are we moving the needle in the direction we believe it should go? Are we curious?”

Thank you for spending part of your day here. I value your time (and mine). Now that we’ve consumed for a few minutes, let’s turn that consumption into something personally creative: a new-to-us idea, a different way of moving our bodies, or a recently-opened notebook on our desks.

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