The photograph above, entitled Tennessee Summer, is our inaugural print for The Wiley Subscription.

It is currently my only available print. Read further below.

Summertime in Tennessee is ripe with peaches, plums, apricots, and warmth. I associate the taste of peaches with an early sunrise, the scent of sunscreen, and the sweaty skin of Sullivan. I immediately hear the buzz of a farmers’ market when I see the dynamic colors of plums. I daydream about a seasonal spread of cheeses, jams, and local honey when I cut into apricots.

This photograph intends to capture the fiery colors of the bright Tennessee sun. It intends to ignite the visceral feeling of wanting—needing—to bite into something fresh, juicy, and so very flavorful. Finally, it intends to bring you a rush of summertime energy, nostalgia, and joy.

Its size is 8 inches x 10 inches.

All Wiley Subscribers are sent Tennessee Summer as a part of their subscription.