Sullivan Turns One

Happiest first birthday to our forever baby!

What a day.

What a feeling.

We gave each other and each day our absolute all this year. The sense of purpose, connection, and accomplishment Jared and I feel today is indescribable. Everything I want to communicate to or about Sullivan and his first year with us is written in a letter to him. To each of you, thank you for your sweet messages and encouraging energy throughout the most transformative year of our lives. We are so held.

At 12:07pm on 12/07 last year, our son became immediately worthy of infinite love, imagination, joy, and so much more simply because he was born. As his mother, I became immediately worthy of the complex experience of parenthood: every nook and cranny of amazement, every fleeting jolt of pain, and every shuttering realization that we can carry intensely opposing emotions in our arms at once as we witness how love conquers all again and again and again. I thank my lucky stars for the will to choose. We chose to notice, internalize, and celebrate the highs and honor, hear, and surrender to the lows. We are closer to ourselves because of this. We are more human because of this. This is a divine gift. It has led me to the highest desire and calling of my life.

Today, we celebrate!

The summary above was written on Sullivan’s first birthday, December 07, 2021.

See additional moments with Sullivan on Instagram here, here, and here. View more blog posts here.

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